Friday, 4 November 2011

Animatic - Words From The Gang

Once my story board had been complete i then scanned the images onto the apple mac,  and used imovie to create this animatic, this will again help me to work out what my project will look like when it is finally done. It has also shown me that i will need lots of film as the music video will be about 4mins long and so lots of shorter clips will be needed. This has again given me more ideas about other clips i could film and put into my music video.

Bellow is the classes feedback from my animatic:

Needs quicker transitions between shots and more variety of shots.
1/10/2012 9:04 AMView Responses
Odd song choice.. dunno if it will work tbh, good luck getting the club shots.It may look cheesy and ovo fake if u can't. Definitely a lot more shots will be needed to fill the time as there is no singing, and therefore no way of filling time with lip syncing.
1/10/2012 9:03 AMView Responses
- faster paced shots need to be used - more movement to match the genre of the song - have more people in the video!! - close up of turntables perhaps!! - changing the depth of field constantly to almost create distortion within the crowds
1/10/2012 9:03 AMView Responses
quicker edits to the beat of the song
1/10/2012 9:03 AMView Responses
The transition between shots could be a lot quicker and the length of the shots could be a lot shorter
1/10/2012 9:03 AMView Responses
more close ups for lip syncing
1/10/2012 9:02 AMView Responses
good idea to match with the genre, good for shuffling.
1/10/2012 9:02 AMView Responses
Drawings could be better ha ha
1/10/2012 9:02 AMView Responses
It's an up tempo track so i think quicker shots is needed
1/10/2012 9:02 AMView Responses
- needs more fast paced shots to fit in time with the music
1/10/2012 9:02 AMView Responses
entertaining, but maybe a better concept of what a human figure looks like. Speed up cuts to match tempo.
1/10/2012 9:02 AMView Responses
Much faster cuts would probably go better with the song.
1/10/2012 9:02 AMView Responses
is good for the genre but its a very fast aggressive song and you need ALOT more shot transitions and different scenes.
Following the feedback i have found out that I need to have faster shot cuts that mach the tempo of the song. I will also use a lot of different shots of the same action and have fast cuts between them. This should go well with my genera because it is "a very fast aggressive song".  

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